
Refund Policy

We do our best to ensure best in-class service and support. Sometimes, it is possible that you may have selected the wrong institute or uploaded a wrong document. In such a scenario, please reach out to our support team to get the same rectified. Cancellations and Refunds are done on a best effort basis. Please request for a refund within 72 hours of making the payment. If the document verification or submission process has not been started by our institute partners, we will process those refunds within 15-30 business days of receiving your request. Completed electronic document verification or submissions are non-refundable.

Refunds will not be made if the verification request has been rejected by our institute partners.

Furthermore, if you have made the payment but have not uploaded the necessary documents / supporting documents, you have a 45 days time period to do the same. Failing to do so will result in cancellation/rejection of the transaction and the amount will not be refunded.